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Looking forward...

There are many interesting areas of investigation that are within reach of my telescope at the Virgil Observatory. I've described a couple of research programs on a separate web page. [more ....]

The History of Astronomy Briefly, My Background

Astronomy has a rich history and background — going back at least six thousand years. While it's not necessary to know all this background in order to enjoy astronomy, it can sometimes enhance the experience if you know what's happened in the last century or so...

Some links to explore...

As a professional astronomer (Ph.D. from U.Va., 1970) at the University of Delaware, and then at the University of Rochester, I've spent many long, dark and sometimes cold nights on top of Kitt Peak, as well as Fan Mountain Observatory in Virginia, the Mt. Cuba Observatory in Delaware and the Mees Observatory in upstate New York.



After my retirement from that and several other careers, I now have a backyard observatory. I'm doing CCD photometry of interesting stellar objects, and taking pictures with a CCD camera and a webcam.

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